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Upvote gifs

Stashed in: Star Wars!, Simpsons!, @oprah, gifs, Breaking Bad, Why not Zoidberg?, @TheEllenShow, Seinfeld, Emma Stone, Bill Murray, @imkristenbell, Upvote! Downvote!, @ddlovato

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I'm going to collect my favorite upvote and up arrow gifs from Imgur and Reddit on this page. There's several good ones in this archive as well:

Lilo Stitch upvote gif

Feel free to add ones you find, too.

scrooge mcduck daisy duck upvote gif

Simpsons upvote gif

homer Simpson Upvote gif

Homer Simpson eating upvote gif

Seinfeld upvote gifs

George Costanza upvote gif Kramer Newman Seinfeld upvote gif

seinfeld throws upvote to kramer gif

Kitty upvote gif

Lolcat Cat Kitty SbE2M upvote gif

Yoda upvote gif

Yoda upvote gif

Mother of Dragons upvote gif

Mother of Dragons upvote gif Game of Thrones

Breaking Bad upvote gif

Breaking Bad upvote gif

Señor Chang from Community upvote gif

senor chang community upvote gif

gun military upvote gif

magic sparkle rob huebel upvote gif

Upvote Gangnam Style

LHQnG.gif alt=

Oprah upvote gif.

Oprah you get an upvote gif Oprah upvote gif

Why not Zoidberg?

Zoidberg dancing upvote gif Zoidberg upvote gif

Emma Stone, Demi Lovato, and Kristen Bell upvote gifs

upvote gif Emma Stone shake demi lovato upvote gif Kristen Bell upvote gif

Shake it like a polaroid picture, Ellen Degeneres!!

ellen shaker upvote gif

DAT upvote gif

dat upvote gif girl upvote gif

butt slap uvote gif ass upvote gif

butt upvote gif dat upvote gif

Carmela Bing:

imgur: the simple image sharer

There may be a lot of controversy on Reddit, but I think there's one thing we can agree on. - Imgur

Jada Stevens:

Java Stevens dat ass upvote gif Imgur

LOL upvote gif

lol upvote gif

awesome upvote gif

And here's a downvote. - Imgur

And one for imgurians:


Kobe upvote:

kobe upvote

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