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Geege Schuman
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Google's Billion Dollar Longevity Venture Calico appointed Machine Learning expert Daphne Koller to employ AI to the science of aging.
Verily from Alphabet is part of a $700 million effort to cure disease without meds using bioelectronics.
Scientists Cautiously OK the Next Genetic Revolution
Genetically Modified Mosquitoes and the Future of Disease Control
3D Printing Pen Can “Draw” Human Cartilage Directly Into Patients
Functional human hearts regenerated from skin cells
The Crispr Quandary, by Jennifer Kahn, The New York Times
Bioengineered Organs Using Stem Cells and 3D Printing
A 3D printer that prints living human cells into a suspended gel has been developed. This has huge implications for tissue engineering.
Biohackers gear up for genome editing: Amateurs are ready and able to try the CRISPR technique for rewriting genes.
First almost fully formed human brain grown in lab by Ohio State scientists
A biotech company is genetically engineering pigs so that their organs might work in people.
Researchers created unusually intelligent mice by altering a single gene that made the mice less likely to feel anxiety or recall fear.
Empire of the Geeks, by The Economist
Diabetes Has a New Enemy: Robo-Pancreas
Cow Milk Without the Cow Is Coming to Change Food Forever | WIRED
The biggest biotech discovery of the century is about to change medicine forever.
Bioengineer is working to make E. coli fight obesity, depression
DNA Hackers Look to Disrupt the Biotech Industry: Glowing Trees
Revolutionary membrane can keep your heart beating perfectly forever
Exotic Scents Made From Re-engineered Yeast
'Nobel of Agriculture' goes to Monsanto executive for achievements in founding, developing and applying modern agricultural biotech
Genetically Engineering an Icon: Can Biotech Bring the Chestnut Back to America's Forests? - Rebecca J. Rosen - The Atlantic
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