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Rich Hua
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All the Ways Your Wi-Fi Router Can Spy on You
James Lovelock: ‘Before the end of this century, robots will have taken over’
This employee ID badge monitors and listens to you at work — except in the bathroom
How an Algorithm Learned to Identify Depressed Individuals by Studying Their Instagram Photos
A Visual Introduction to Machine Learning
Airplane Tires Don’t Explode on Landing Because They Are Pumped!
Olympians turn to wearables, virtual reality and other digital health tools for an edge in Rio
MIT made a movie screen that brings 3D to all seats – without the glasses
Google Glass App Helps Kids with Autism 'See' Emotions
Ten Charts That Will Make You Rethink Tesla's Model 3
The Most Important Object In Computer Graphics History Is This Teapot
Inside the Cunning, Unprecedented Hack of Ukraine’s Power Grid
20 moonshot projects by Google turned Alphabet
Google wants to deliver packages from self-driving trucks
No UI is the New UI thanks to Chatbots and Brain-Computer Interfaces, by Tony Aube, Medium
IBM Watson ingested 2000 TED Talks to answer your deepest questions.
Elon Musk's Billion-Dollar AI Plan For OpenAI Is About Far More Than Saving the World
Virtually explore holiday destinations before you book
Education is not an adequate defense against the rise of the robots.
Amazon shows new Prime Air drone design
China unveils ‘armed attack’ robots armed with guns and grenades
Dubai firefighters might use jetpacks to rescue people from tall buildings
TensorFlow, Google's Open Source AI, Signals Big Changes in Hardware Too
The new app that serves as eyes for the blind...
Gene editing: Cut and paste the genetic code?
How This Magical 16-Lens Camera Will Actually Work
How Tesla's autopilot learns...
Google Is 2 Billion Lines of Code—And It's All in One Place
Laser Breakthrough Could Speed the Rise of Self-Driving Cars
How Much Can You Save With Solar Panels? Just Ask Google
Rejoice: Google Just Created a Stupidly Simple Wi-Fi Router
IBM's 'Rodent Brain' Chip Could Make Our Phones Hyper-Smart
Inside Facebook’s Quest for Software That Understands You
The Exoskeletons Are Coming
Artificial Intelligence Could Shorten a Doctor's Visit to 90 Seconds?
Driving in the Networked Age of Self Driving Cars, by Reid Hoffman
Get ahead in Silicon Valley: Upgrade your mind with a brain buzzer
Computers Are Getting a Dose of Common Sense
What if your self-driving car were hacked?
What Would Happen If All Our Satellites Were Suddenly Destroyed?
World's first 'feeling' leg prosthesis offers hope to amputees
Artificial Intelligence Pioneer Stuart Russell Has a Few Concerns
Write the Perfect Email to Anyone With This Creepy Site
Technology can transfer human emotions to your palm through air
Amazon Can Now Legally Experiment With Drone Delivery
Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications Will Save Lives on the Road
Injectable, 'self-healing' hydrogel may offer simpler form of long-term drug delivery
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies to build test track in 2016
The biggest biotech discovery of the century is about to change medicine forever.
Why Can’t Robots Understand Sarcasm?