Blogs that tech startup founders should read ...
I will start with a handful that I've been enjoying this past year.
Advice and inspiration:
News and momentum:
Any other suggestions of ones I should list?
It's fun to compared this list to the list of tech startup founder resources I made last autumn.
TechCrunch also a good list of VC blogs.
Rands in Repose is fantastic. It's primarily a blog on management, specifically on managing human engineers.
Thanks Matt -- adding this to the list.
Might want to include people to follow on Twitter too.
Cool. Any suggestions there?
I don't follow that many people in the startup world but I can start the ball rolling with three I do follow:
-And of course: Adam Rifkin
Also might want to consider adding blogs not directly related to startups. After all, the name of the list isn't "Blogs about startups", it's "Blogs that tech startup founders should read." Might seem like a small difference but it's not. Again, I'm happy to start the ball rolling:
-Founders need to know why people behave the way they do and how they can improve behavior. So check out: Psyblog (site seems to be down right now so I linked to the FB page)
-Enrich your mind and read *quality* news: The Browser
-Startups, marketing, daily inspiration... it's Seth Godin
-You're going to have to do presentations. Do them right. Read: Garr Reynolds
And then there's podcasts...