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Avatar Downvote GIF

Avatar Downvote GIF

Source: Reddit gifs

Stashed in: Reddit!, Lord of the Rings, Star Trek!, Reaction GIFs!, JGL

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Massively ambitious treatment of repost.

The Reddit logo on the mug is a nice touch.

reddit mug gif

Isn't EVERY Reddit post a repost?

Philosorsptot isn't every reddit post a repost?

Yes, but Reddit still treats people like Breaking Bad treats prisoners.

Breaking Bad downvote prison shiv gif

It's more like a motorcycle gang...

Motorcycle repost vs OC gif

Repost! Destroy!

repost destroy gif


Repost! Destroy!!

repost destroy gif

They've posted something, sir. "Downvote it!"

"Somebody posted something." "DOWNVOTE IT!" - PandaWhale

Legolas downvote party!

Twinkies. Confession Bear. Twinkies. Confesion Bear... - PandaWhale

Looper downvote!

Looper downvote gif

More subtle:

Looper downvote gif

Ugh, time travel.

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