Celebrities who lost or gained the most weight for movie roles.
Adam Rifkin stashed this in Fitspo
Source: imgur.com
Stashed in: Celebrities, Batman!, Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis, Best of Imgur, @tomhanks
How is this Fitspo? Yo-yo dieting is one of the worst things you can do to your body and stories like this tend to normalize it.
Some of them -- like Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman -- used nutritionists to slim down.
Others -- like Christian Bale and Hillary Swank -- developed strategies for bulking up.
OK but in every case the body transformation was for a role (aka a job), it was frequently quite grotesque, and it was temporary by design. Fitness for real people is all about inhabiting the body you actually live in on a day by day basis... so for me, this article is the opposite of inspirational. :(
You could read it another way.
Any body can be manipulated short term.
Longer term, it's important to establish good habits.
6:11 PM Jan 03 2013