Psych 101: Instagram, OMGPOP and the Secret to Building Great Products - Forbes
Eric Barker stashed this in Zynga!
Stashed in: Product Inspiration, Influence!, Instagram!, Awesome
"Everyone’s focused on how much they sold for, but I think what’s more interesting is how they created products that so quickly became an obsession of millions of people."
The products that are making big changes ATM and the ones that are experiencing the fastest growth tend to be the ones that allow people to connect in new ways with each other, whether that be people they know or people they have shared interests with. Facebook allowed us to rise up and use social media to form groups for both personal and political motives. The new social media emerging is allowing us to further explore this by allowing us to connect with people in new and interesting ways - take Instagram, Path, Pair.. and this site itself. It is a huge insight into human behaviour and what drives us as human beings... realtionships. It is user experience over technology every time.
PS- that IS how we spell behaviour here in New Zealand :)
Pair is a rounding error. Fewer than 500k downloads and no virality.
Instagram and Draw Something are at their core simple to learn and very polished.
They spread because they were fun. But I wonder how much staying power they have.
Their willingness to sell quickly suggests they didn't have staying power.
Compare with Angry Birds, which refused to sell itself.
6:54 PM May 11 2012