37 percent of Americans aren't working, what are they doing?
Joyce Park stashed this in Economics
Stashed in: Economics!, Awesome, Jobs, Infographics!, America!, economics, Charts!, Robot Jobs, Demographics
Excellent graphs and concise explanation of what is happening in the American labor market over time.
So just because "unemployment" is going down does not mean employment is going up.
once we achieve Diamond Age productivity...our already semi-fixed consumer, nonworking class will be cemented...
so how do we get people to always be creative if not productive if we can provide everything they will ever need in their lifetime?
Are people not naturally creative and productive?
Jobs seem artificial but creativity seems natural.
I keep thinking about this: "The share of adult Americans who have a job (or are looking for a job) has fallen to its lowest point since 1979, hovering around 63 percent."
Unemployment rate does not tell us how well our economy is doing.
There are many people who want to work but cannot find jobs. That means the economy is still struggling.
have to define economy.
does it mean employment or does it productivity?
I'd like to think that with higher employment comes higher productivity.
Am I just fooling myself?
this age, probably
Here's an idea ... what are the people who are NOT employed full-time 'doing' with what is called their 'spare mental capacity'? So, those who are retired, stay-at-home, in school full-time, disabled, etc. What and how could we engage this HUGE portion of the population, to create real and dramatic change in the world? In sales there is the principle that if you just do everything 5% better, you will have exponential growth. So, don't increase your price by 50%, just increase it 5%; then go and get 5% more customers, etc. How about we create ways for 'everyone' to volunteer more, give more ideas, share more experiences -- so we can all learn and get better more quickly?
5:47 PM Apr 09 2013