Who was Ezekiel and what did he see?
Ayori Selassie stashed this in Project KDM
Ezekiel had four encounters with spaceships,
occurring over a period of twenty years. The first
took place in 592 B.C., five years after Ezekiel
and about 8,000 other Jews had been deported
to Babylonia. Married and 30 years old at the
time, Ezekiel was a priest and came from an
upper-class family. When he saw the spacecraft
for the first time the experience was
overwhelming and left him in severe shock. In
the first chapter of his book he tells us most of
what we can learn of the craft's structure and
function. Although he tells us later that he was
picked up aboard the spacecraft near Tel-Abib
where he lived and was later returned there, he
has little recollection of the flight itself.
Completely overcome by the experience, he flies
'in bitterness in the heat of my spirit'
(Chapter 3, Verse 14).
The second encounter follows within a few
months. Its description is brief and fragmentary
(Chapter 3. Verses 22–4).
In his account of the third experience one year
after the first (Chapters 8–11 ), Ezekiel narrates
a fascinating event culminating in what seems to
be a maintenance or repair operation on the
spacecraft. A mechanical arm (see Fig. 5)
reaches from a helicopter unit toward the red-hot
area at the lower tip of the main body
(Chapter 10, Verse 7). hands a 'hot' part of some
kind to a member of the crew on the ground who
had been ordered to take a position near one of
the helicopters. The crewman carries away the
hot pan. A comparison of the temple Ezekiel
describes with a plan of Solomon's Temple (still
standing at that time) shows that Ezekiel's
description is of another temple, but where?
The same question is raised by the fourth
encounter, twenty years after the first
(Chapter 40). Ezekiel's arrival at a large complex
of buildings proves to have been scheduled
because he is awaited by a man wearing
clothing similar to that of the ship's commander
and who takes the prophet on an extended tour
through the temple. The report of this encounter,
as well as the Book of Ezekiel, ends abruptly and
must be considered as a fragment.
Nowhere in these episodes do we find
contradiction, neither in the repetition of the
vehicle's description nor in the events related to
the space vessel. There is also complete
agreement between my engineering
reconstruction, based on present-day advanced
technical knowledge, and the biblical words.
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9:19 PM Jul 12 2013