PHWOAARRRR!!! Big Data's gonna be really big, especially in South Asia. Better get your checkbook out.
Mo Data stashed this in Big Data Hype Cycle
Over the past 2 years Big Data has emerged as the most disruptive force in business and commerce. IntelligenceNODE estimates that the Big Data market was worth approximately $2b in 2012 and will grow at a CAGR of 21% during in the next 5 years. However, what is really important is where this growth is going to materialize.
More of this hype about Big Data when many businesses don't really know what it even is.
Is it Hadoop? (On completing a Postgres implementation for some reasonably small structured data, we were recently called by an executive asking why we hadn't used NoSQL and Hadoop)
Is it Machine Learning? Text Analytics?
Is it some high quality visualizations, a usable analytics package, a well designed data warehouse and some disciplines around meta-data?
Truth is, we're all getting caught up in the spin and companies seem to be spending way too much on big ole technology projects when they just don't need it.
(For most businesses, Mo-Data advises putting the checkbooks away and thinking a lot more about the problem - there will be plenty of very low hanging fruit that should create enough of a return on investment. If you get the return, then reinvest that in a 'Big Data' project.)
6:42 AM Sep 19 2013