Are they animals... or are they Avengers?
Adam Rifkin stashed this in Photoshop
Stashed in: 106 Miles, Lolcats!, Turtles!, Cute!, Dogs!, Birds!, Bunnies!, Are You Not Entertained?, PandaWhale Mentions, Hello Kitty, Heroes!, Photoshop, Avengers!
I heart Photoshop.
Btw, it's photoshopping not photoshoping, right?
Or did I just get trollolololed?
I laughed so hard I almost, well... might have been messy.
Half the fun in this one is the MST3K sidebar that follows on the site. On any superhero subject, there's always an opinion and a crowd ready to define who-would-win brackets. (Hehe, wipe the laughing tears away.)
Serious thought, though. This one so clearly demonstrates to me the distinct value of Pandawhale as almost a private club. I feel like I've come to know you as meta-level commentators. It's very nice really. Perhaps it will take a 106miles conversation in person to understand where this is all going.
Meanwhile, thanks for the belly laugh.
Thanks Barbara. It will be interesting to see if the private club can maintain the level of quality as we grow.
why is the rabbit the ironman, i would make the cat an ironman because cats are assholes
It would be challenging to make an IronMan suit for a cat, because cats don't sit still.
4:38 PM Jul 12 2012