The cat traps are working!
Adam Rifkin stashed this in #happiness
Source: DashBurst - Wall Photos
Stashed in: Memes!, Lolcats!, Cute!, gifs, Animal LOLs, It's a trap!
What is it about kittens and cats that cannot resist boxes???
Someone named "Juliet" writes:
There's an old New Yorker cartoon: A young couple are in their kitchen unpacking groceries. On the floor is a paper grocery bag with a cat's tail sticking out; the bag is obviously being attacked from within.
One of the couple is asking, "What's wrong with us that we can't find happiness in an empty A&P bag?" This sometimes strikes me as a cosmic question.
Bags and boxes are essential to cat happiness.
See also: Cat vs Cat-in-the-box and Flying Cat-in-the-box ...
Cat traps are useful for distracting domesticated house cats:
12:39 PM Jul 24 2012