Google Details Its 1 Gigabit Fiber Network In Kansas City, Will Come With TV Service, 1TB Of Cloud Storage, Nexus 7 | TechCrunch
Arthur Lozinski stashed this in Google
Stashed in: Google!, Teh Internets, Rainbows!, Bunnies!, internet
This makes my heart warm. Internet for the masses is a must. Just like roads and healthcare, knowledge should be accessible to all people.
How is installing this in Kansas City something that's available to the masses?
Or is this a pilot for something that everyone will eventually have in 20 years?
Kansas City is the middle of the world. But you're right... I still think there's a way to have free internet for everyone. There's an abundance of street-lights and other types of infrastructure. Wonder how we could capitalize on that...
Apparently one day Google fiber will serve many cities:
WHAT is up with the Google Rainbow Rabbit??? P.S. I registered.
10:43 AM Jul 26 2012