How to Recraft Your Job for Greater Satisfaction
Rich Hua stashed this in Career
Stashed in: Jobs
Job crafting can entail one of three approaches:
1. Task crafting. By redesigning the tasks in a job, you change the rules, taking on more or fewer tasks, or changing its scope. One of the most successful examples of this in my own work was in adding writing to my responsibilities. I made time on my commute to write blogs and articles, which gave me a creative outlet. It wasn’t required of my job, but it added a lot of depth to my work, and allowed me to explore issues that weren’t part of my day-to-day
2. Relational crafting. Through changing your relationships with your co-workers, clients, and others in your work environment, you can bring more purpose to your work as a whole. It is usually about changing the nature or depth of relationships and might involve the simplest of changes, such as taking someone to lunch once a week, or trying to have more meetings in person, rather than over email or the phone.
3. Cognitive crafting. This aspect is about approach. Workers can connected each task with its purpose. It is about remembering why you are cleaning the room, conducting an audit, or designing a website.
Done well, this process stems from the ‘who,’ ‘how,’ and ‘why’ of what drives purpose. Once you have that self-awareness, it is possible to intentionally redesign your job to make it substantially more rewarding. It can move you from being on the verge of quitting to finding the same job rich in purpose.
11:27 PM Apr 04 2014