Ryan Dahl and Rasmus Lerdorf
Lucas Meadows stashed this in Web Development
Stashed in: JavaScript, Web Development, node.js, PHP, HTML5!
Ryan Dahl said:
I have no interest in educating people to be well-rounded pragmatic server engineers... I just want to make computers suck less. Node has a large number of newbie programmers. I'm proud of that; I want to make things that lots of people use.
I've often thought that Node will eventually take the place of PHP. That is, it will be the most popular choice for developing real-world web applications, and this will be mostly due to its friendliness to newbie developers and the community's willingness to sacrifice computer science-y "purity" for more practical benefits.
I really respect what Ryan is saying here, and can't help but be reminded somewhat of things Rasmus has said.
Quotes from Rasmus:
I really don't like programming. I built this tool to program less so that I could just reuse code.
I've never thought of PHP as more than a simple tool to solve problems.
PHP is about as exciting as your toothbrush.
Quotes from Ryan:
I am not an app programmer arguing what the best platform to use for my website--I'm a systems person attempting to make programming better.
I want programming computers to be like coloring with crayons and playing with duplo blocks.
I have a lot of problems with Node...
10:33 AM Jul 31 2012