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Gabby Olympic Gymnast

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Incredible all-around from Gabby Douglas the awesome Flying Squirrel!

This Virginian 16 year old member of the Fab Five won her gold through consistency.

NYT writes:

Douglas said she had felt confident all along that she would win.

“It was just an amazing feeling,” she said, giggling. “I was just like, Believe, don’t fear, believe.”

Just five months ago, Martha Karolyi, the coordinator of the women’s national team, did not think Douglas had what it took to be an Olympian. She lacked confidence and focus, Karolyi said, even as recently as a few weeks ago.

Confidence. Focus. Believe.

USA Gold. Mary Lou. Carly. Nastia. And now, Gabby Douglas Gold.



Gabby Douglas gold slideshow:

"I give all the glory to God. It's kind of a win-win situation. The glory goes up to Him, and all the blessings fall down on me. ~Gabby Douglas after winning the gold in the womens' all-around gymnastics


Gabby Douglas, Flying Squirrel !!


Gabby Douglas cornflakes


She seems nice. Cornflakes! Her nickname is awesome: flying squirrel.

I agree -- the Corn Flakes box should feature an image of her flying through the air!

I mean , look at this awesome floor routine she did:

but for pure flight Mckayla Maroney is superhumanly awesome - no one in world gets the air that she does

I agree that McKayla Maroney's vaults have been awesome.

McKayla Maroney is impressed and so am I.

I like Gabby Douglas' Hair.




Am I the only one?


Why is there controversy?

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