shooting a watermelon in slo-mo
emily kate moon stashed this in fun!
Stashed in: Best Videos, Watermelon!, Weapons!, Slow Mo!, SLOWM
At first I thought "what a waste of watermelon" but then I thought "this is really really cool!"
ha! that was EXACTLY my thought process!
I'm surprised at how entertaining slow mo is.
you have a whole stash of slow mo!!!
this watermelon video is the first time i have seen the slow mo cameras revealed and i was fascinated to learn that the one camera gets 5000 fpm and the other gets 4000 fpm. that's a lot of frames!!
It really is -- it means they can slow things waaaaaay down if they want to!
so cool!!!
Yes. By the way, here's a slow mo toilet brush with a nail shot by slingshot through a watermelon:
Watermelons are excellent for slow mo.
i like that he ate the watermelon at the end!
It would have been a shame to waste that delicious watermelon!
1:46 PM Aug 22 2014