How to Lose a Tail When Being Followed - Survival Life
Jared Sperli stashed this in security
Stashed in: Survivor!, Keep calm., RTFM!, Life Hacks, Favorites
After calling the police, stay on the main roads, keep calm, and keep moving.
5. Stay on the main roads - If you’re being followed don’t drive to less populated areas. If your car breaks down or something happens you don’t want to be in the middle of nowhere. Stay on the busy main roads where there are plenty of people around so that if something does happen to your car and the tail is out to get you they might think twice because of all the witnesses.
6. Keep calm and keep your wheels moving - Unless the car tailing you is shooting at you, remember to stay calm. As long as your car is moving you’re safe. If the person tailing you wants to kidnap you they’re not going to do it while driving 70mph down the highway, they’re going to do it when you come to a stoplight or stop sign. So, if possible, remember to be moving at all times and never let your car come to a stop if you can. (This is why “Shooting the Gap”, which I mentioned above is risky because your car will be stopped. You would only shoot the gap if you thought it was a PI or someone else following you who wasn’t looking to kidnap you or physically harm you.)
4:52 PM Oct 12 2014