For a Healthier Country, Overhaul Farm Subsidies - Scientific American
Tina Miller, MA,CFLE stashed this in health
Stashed in: #health, Science!, Awesome, World Hunger, Health Studies, World Hunger, Economics, Calories!
Some years ago two nutrition experts went grocery shopping. For a dollar, Adam Drewnowski and S. E. Specter could purchase 1,200 calories of potato chips or cookies or just 250 calories worth of carrots. It was merely one example of how an unhealthy diet is cheaper than a healthy one. This price difference did not spring into existence by force of any natural laws but largely because of antiquated agricultural policies. Public money is working at cross-purposes: backing an overabundance of unhealthful calories that are flooding our supermarkets and restaurants, while also battling obesity and the myriad illnesses that go with it. It is time to align our farm policies with our health policies.
That's a very thoughtful way to put this.
I hope our lawmakers can prioritize health over politics.
7:45 PM Dec 13 2014