Oddly Satisfying Glacier
Adam Rifkin stashed this in Nature!
Imgur comments: http://imgur.com/L873889
Stashed in: Ice!, hilarious, Oddly Satisfying, Geology, Oddly Satisfying, Snow
It's coming for us. Very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very slowly.
Reddit comments: http://reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/2sax0t/this_glacier/
Like an uvula made of ice.
Kind of! I wonder what makes it oddly satisfying.
Texture shape color.
Smooth symmetrical white.
Yes! I think the smoothness is oddly satisfying!
Like a smooth uvula. (How can you not see it?! It looks JUST like a uvula!)
God's Uvula would make a great rock band name.
Well now I can't unsee it. Added God's Uvula:
god's DIRTY uvula!
I'm thinking of a hundred things and nothing at the same time.
hahaha! there are so many directions we could go with this...
And yet, I just want to stay here right now and enjoy this moment.
5:54 PM Jan 13 2015