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What are the two steps for beating procrastination right *now*? - Barking up the wrong tree

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Dashes and Commitment Devices.

Sprints are really, really useful.

But commitment devices? Brilliant!

Give your friend $100. If you get the task done by 5PM, you get your $100 back. If it doesn't, you lose the $100.

I'd be too scared to do it. But I still think it's brilliant.

sounds like a startup idea.... lol

roflmao... commented before rtfm... there _is_ a startup for that....


Procrastination is the supreme knowledge of knowing how much time something really takes.

It's a feature, not a bug.

If you wait long enough things tend to work out themselves.

That's true procrastination. High-functioning procrastination knows how to do just enough, just in the nick of time to always make sure things work out.

When you do just enough, just in the nick of time, you also get that adrenaline rush of a deadline approaching.

Good stuff.

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