Don’t Kill Your Channels | Eleganthack
Christina Wodtke stashed this in Design
Stashed in: Web Designs
Thanks Christina. Still working on email digests!
It's a balance: The early users appreciate a reminder that anything new has happened.
But as we become regular users we need fewer notifications.
Users are free to turn off notifications:
Or, besides batching emails into digests, should we auto-turn off notifications for users as they become more advanced?
Actually it's the new users you really have to be worried about. Once you lose them, you can't get them back.
While users can turn them off, in general it's easier for them to hit Gmail's spam button that find the place to turn them off. Your emails are not clear what you are turning off when you turn them off. And you send a lot of low-value emails such as each prop, each new item in stash... better to send nothing until you can make sure you aren't training your users to ignore you.
They may be bothered they've missed something, but at least they aren't ignoring you/blocking you/marking you spam.
I'd batch notifs into an email digest, and remove the low value ones from the alerts system in site dashboard (or at least break them out.)
Right now my messages says 200/3.
A) I don't know what that means
B) I don't look, because it's rarely anything worth clicking through for.
Now imagine you have an alerts list
Messages (3)
Props (57)
New Articles (20)
New Comments(8)
I can feel good about the props, without clicking through (except when I want to see who is watching me), read my comments and check my messages. Then leisurely peruse my stories.
Anyhow, this wasn't just for you-- I'm advising some companies, and a couple have already killed email dead. No amount of A/B testing is reviving it. Yet, anyhow.
4:17 PM Oct 07 2012