Why Looking ‘Professional’ Is So Much More Expensive for Women
Masha Yudin stashed this in Career - women
Stashed in: Women, Couture, Jobs
"I don’t want to admit how much money I have spent preparing for this conference. I want to challenge anybody who gasps at this three-digit number that begins with a 4 to tell me which expenses were superfluous. (Confession: if you include the haircut, then the three-digit number begins with a 5.) Besides the manicure, what could I have foregone to bring down this shameful total? I need to wear white. My old sandals are falling apart. My other one-piece shows six inches of cleavage. Hairs are never allowed to peek out of one’s bikini area. What would you have done differently? Yes, I plan to return the $70 dress that didn’t fit in my suitcase and for which I have no occasion to wear."
I am not sure I quite subscribe to this, though.  For men formal clothing is much more expensive - the suits, shirts, shoes, even if they buy less of it.  Even slightly-less-than-casual clothing is more expensive.
Masha, I agree with you. Looking professional is expensive. That's just the way it is.Â
11:10 AM Jul 12 2016