My Time with Richard Feynman, by Stephen Wolfram, Backchannel
Masha Yudin stashed this in Personas
Stashed in: Awesome, History of Tech!, Medium, Mathy, Richard Feynman, Extraordinary People, History of Tech, Backchannel
"I remember often when we were both consulting for Thinking Machines in Boston, Feynman would say, “Let’s hide away and do some physics.” This was a typical scenario. Yes, I think we thought nobody was noticing that we were off at the back of a press conference about a new computer system talking about the nonlinear sigma model. Typically, Feynman would do some calculation. With me continually protesting that we should just go and use a computer. Eventually I’d do that. Then I’d get some results. And he’d get some results. And then we’d have an argument about whose intuition about the results was better."
I like how playful they are.
12:18 PM Jul 12 2016