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I'm sorry, were you in the middle of something? ~Puzzle Cat

I m sorry were you in the middle of something

Source: Imgur

Stashed in: Lolcats!, Cute!, gifs, Parks and Recreation!, Funny LOL Jokes, It's a trap!, Furniture!, Tabby Cats!, Puzzles!

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Kitty: "Play with me!"

Cat computer Play With Me gif

No, Kitty, this is my pot pie!

Cartman Kitty My Pot Pie gif

Cat sits on keyboard gif

It's fine..not like I was using that or anything. - Imgur

If your cat loves to sit on/in front of your computer, flip the top of a board game box upside down and set it off to the side. Boxes are like magnets for cats.

Happy Cat Cat-Free Workspace Productivity Work Desk Lifehack

Cat-Free Workspace

The Cat Traps are Working

The traps don't have to be that big, either:

Cat trap! No more cats in front of my screen.

I do think a bigger box makes the cat trap more likely to work...

Also works with multiple cats:

My mom was complaining about the cats constantly getting in the way and knocking things off the desk. I suggested putting a box on the desk. She was skeptical... a few days later I receive this - Imgur

Also works with big cats:

The cat traps are working - Imgur

If you don't have a box, a heating pad will do.

cat on heating pad leaves computer in peace Imgur

I'm going to get that cat a puzzle. Cats love puzzles.

cats love puzzles

She wrote back "Hello"! We're going to get married...

She wrote back hello we're going to get married lolcat

Happy cat is... Aziz Ansari??

super happy cat

Aziz Ansari smile super happy dude gif

"Fine, I'll try your stupid box." "My god, it's AMAZING."

"The Cat Traps Are Working" anthology:

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