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Election memes

Election memes

Source: Tumblr

Stashed in: Politics!, Simpsons!, Alcohol!, Awesome, America!, STAHP!, Kanye!, Florida!, Bananas!, Muppets!, Looney Tunes!

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America. Wat R U doing? America! STAHP!!

Time to collect some election memes...

Election 2012 Drinking Game: Drink When Someone Says Something!

Election 2012 Drinking Game Obama Romney

What it's like to be a third-party voter today:

Go Apple Go Orange Go Banana Simpsons gif

What to do after you've voted:

I'll go get vodka gif

Anyone else freaking out about election results?

Kermit the Frog freaking out gif

Here's one solution to fixing Florida's electoral challenges: recruit Bugs Bunny.

Bugs Bunny saws off Florida gif

Oppa Bama Style!

Oppa Bama Style

Yo Alaska, imma let you finish... Lol JK Obama won!

Kanye Alaska Obama won meme

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