If you were waiting to buy an iPad, stop waiting.
Adam Rifkin stashed this in iPad!
Stashed in: Mobile!, Recommended Products!, Apple, SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!
I bought an iPad 3 aka the new iPad several weeks ago, and have been using it nonstop since.
I own an original iPad and Kindle Fire and several iPhones, and I've tried many Android devices and the Blackberry and HP tablets. None can compare.
The new iPad has an amazing screen, and it makes all the difference. Everything else makes my eyes tired and my head hurt. Yes, there's that much difference.
After 3 iterations, the iPad has the best choice of applications, the best battery life, and an OS that is mature and very usable right now in 2012.
Don't wait. The time to buy an iPad is now.
100% Agreed.
Didn't understand all the hoopla about the screen until I watched some HD trailers on it... OH. MY. GOD.
Along with a great mattress, a great chair, a DVR, and The Web, I put this in the small set of products that changed my life for the better.
I'm waiting to upgrade once Paper's dev team 53 figures out what if any stylus' they'll support.
I like that you didn't forget my comment while I created an account. good job.
Thanks, Eric. I'm curious to know what style they support, too!
Hurm... Just ordered 5 different styli for a client project that needs to support writing. I'll let you guys know how that turns out.
Please do, Matt!
I have the "eyes tired" problem with external monitors, any recommendations?
I still haven't been able to find something better than Apple's 27" LED Cinema display, and on that one I make an effort to take a break every hour.
That line is due for a refresh later this year, for what it's worth.
In addition to the screen, I'd say the biggest upgrade is the doubling of RAM. It's very subtle, but the whole thing is more responsive.
Since apps aren't swapped out of memory as much, multitasking is about 3x more responsive. Same with browsing the web and the usual context switches like the back button and switching between tabs.
This is my first IPad and I use it for pretty much everything now that doesn't require a lot of typing. A Kindle Fire was my gateway drug. :)
I got some cheapo styli on Amazon. Brand name is Cosmos. 3 for $2.50. Suits my purposes fine.
I also recommend the BookBook case. Eye-catching, gets lots of compliments and does a good job of protecting the iPad.
I love the simplicity of this review. You sold me!
Thank you Nadia!
I also recommend not buying a laptop yet -- it's better to wait until later this year.
11:08 AM Apr 08 2012