Meanwhile, Sisyphus Cat keeps pushing the watermelon...
Adam Rifkin stashed this in Lolcats!
Source: 35 Unexplainable Photos Of Cats
Stashed in: Memes!, Ninjas!, Candy Crush!, Retweet this., Cute!, Images!, gifs, Watermelon!, There is no finish line., Photoshop, Under the sea!, Your argument is invalid., Martial Arts!, kitty!, Sisyphus
There's some decent speculation in my Facebook thread on what this picture is about.
There's also some good answers on my Pinterest pin of this photo.
lmao How did this happen? I want to know!
I'm guessing photoshop but I still have not found a good origin story for this photo.
We may never know. :(
Doesn't look like PS to me guys... (I moonlight as a photog :) ) .. but I could be wrong..
Maybe the cat looks angry because it's actually in that lake?
maybe he's angry because someone put his giant watermelon in the lake ?
Good point, Louise. I'd be angry if someone put my watermelon in the lake, too.
had I been drinking tea Adam, you would have made me spit it out :)
Angry Watermelons?
haha The Angry Birds watermelon boat is awesome!
I asked my artist friend about that photo. She said it isn't photoshopped... The mystery continues!
made my day!
Meanwhile, Karate Cat is destroying a watermelon:
He's the ultimate fruit ninja!!
6:25 PM Apr 12 2012