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Anti Aging
Adam Rifkin
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How to Become a Superager: Unpleasant intense effort maintains a sharper memory and a greater ability to pay attention.
Can we engineer the end of ageing with CRISPR? by Harvard biologist Daisy Robinton
Scientists reverse ageing in mammals and predict human trials within 10 years.
Blood from human teens rejuvenates the body and brains of old mice.
Aging is just another disease. No longer considered an inevitability, growing older should be and is being treated like a chronic condition.
The maximum lifespan of humans is fixed and subject to natural constraints. With rare exceptions no one has lived beyond 115 years.
Internal 'clock' makes some people age faster and die younger – regardless of lifestyle
Google's Billion Dollar Longevity Venture Calico appointed Machine Learning expert Daphne Koller to employ AI to the science of aging.
CRISPR and Genetic Engineering will change everything forever, explained by Kurzgesagt
Laron syndrome seems to protect against cancer, diabetes, and other diseases that are some of the most common causes of death in the world.
Peter Thiel Is Very, Very Interested in Young People's Blood
Cracking the Aging Code: Why Aging is Not Inevitable
5 Beneficial Side Effects of Kindness include that it makes our hearts healthier and it slows aging.
If you're alive in 30 years, chances are good you may also be alive in 1000 years.
Liz Parrish of BioViva Sciences: Treating Biological Aging With Gene Therapy
Scientists have extended the lifespan of mice by 25% by removing living but stagnant cells body-wide, which slows age-related illnesses.
Dietary cocoa flavanols reverse age-related memory decline in mice
Why We Age
We will see the emergence of true biological age reversal by 2025.
A.I. is progressing so fast we need a basic guaranteed income. ~Jeremy Howard to Paul Saffo
Ray Kurzweil on the Future of Medicine
Does Exercise Slow the Aging Process?
6 Facts about Aging Research by Scientific American
Aging is not a bug: it's a feature
Mia Sara (Sloane from Ferris Bueller) shares anti-aging tips.
Anti-aging drug metformin could let you live to 120 in good health for 10 cents a day.
Drinking Coffee Could Help Protect Your DNA From Damage