5 Ways You Can Make Your Ideas Spread And Get More Clicks
Eric Barker stashed this in Marketing
Stashed in: Traction, Marketing!, Influence!, @bakadesuyo, Awesome, Growth Hacks!, Marketing, Mix Mux
Number one is SO important.
1) Make People Look Good
The more something makes someone look good, the more likely they’ll be to share it with others. If you get a promotion you pass that information on to others because it makes you look smart and in the know.
In February of this year, LinkedIn sent out an email to some of its users saying, “Hey, your profile on LinkedIn is one of the top 5% or 10% of profiles on the website.” People not only found this exciting and felt good about it, but they shared it with their friends and their social networks.
Why? Having a top profile on LinkedIn makes you look good, it makes you look special and high status and different from everyone else.
Anecdote five also resonated with me.
5) Make It Visible
The more visible or observable something is, the more others will imitate it. As an individual or a marketer, one of the things we need to do is make the private public. Consumption is often private, it’s often hard to see. It’s often hard to know what others are doing. We need to create public signals for those otherwise private actions.
10:21 AM Jul 21 2013