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To Become An Expert, Do This One Thing, by Whitney Johnson, LinkedIn

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Whitney Johnson writes about her struggle to learn to code:

I want to learn how to code. If I know how to code, I can build things.I can also communicate with the tech entrepreneurs I invest in.

So I signed up for MIT’s Gentle Introduction to Python. Apart from one early success – I successfully programmed the game rock, paper, scissors – I realized I wasn’t going to finish the course because it was too accelerated. I should have known better – after all, can a snake ever be gentle? Especially when the snake is wrapped around an MIT course for engineering students. The logical response, and one that I’ve rattled off to many an entrepreneur facing a setback, would have been to regroup and figure out another way to learn to code. But I took a slight emotional detour, which involved becoming frustrated and forlorn. I said to my business partner: I’m stupid.

She's not stupid. She's doing the struggle we all do when we're beginning to learn something.

The journey of 10,000 hours begins with a single hour.

To become an expert, begin by becoming a beginner.

I enjoyed Whitney's entire post and you can read it all here:

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