3 reasons why bubble gum is a wonder drug
Eric Barker stashed this in Stress
Stashed in: Sleep!, #health, Brain, Coffee!, Psychology!, G4!, Gamers!, Bubble!
Just a fun little research tidbit:
Chewing gum can make you smarter, reduce stress and help you stay awake.
Thanks Eric!
"The processes underlying the effect are not known, but may involve glucose delivery, context-dependent effects and arousal mechanisms amongst others."
Does that mean it's unclear if sugarless gum can help with memory enhancement?
Good point.
Glucose may be part of the magic -- as it is with the scientifically proven brain-empowering coffee/donut combo. So, yes, sugarless gum may not be as effective.
Then again, if you don't read this post you may be able to rely on the placebo effect to make up the difference!
(Believe it or not, even if you DO read this the placebo effect can still help.)
8:07 AM Nov 02 2011