Canada’s spy agency CSEC tracking airport users - Snowden leaks! welcome to Canada
Ashie S Hirji stashed this in civil society
The Canadian intelligence agency extended a helping hand to the NSA and helped it test a system that tracked travelers passing through one of the country’s major airports via the WiFi connection.  According to CBC News, another set of Snowden documents reveal that the CSEC (Communications Security Establishment Canada) implemented a system that allowed it to track the devices connected to the airport’s WiFi days after it left the terminal. According to sources, this was most likely illegal, since, according to Canadian law, the agency is prohibited from targeting Canadians or anyone in the country without a judicial warrant.
In the document, CSEC called the new technologies "game-changing," and said they could be used for tracking "any target that makes occasional forays into other cities/regions." Â
Catch his interview: Â
Ah in the digital age we as innocent users of technology don't have end point rights - a human rights issue and as they say when you arrive at the airport - welcomeÂ
Stashed in: Human Rights, Snowden, Digital Age, digital privacy, CSEC
With the government’s full support, the Communication Security Establishment Canada (CSEC)—the Canadian partner and counterpart of the US National Security Agency (NSA)—has illegally arrogated the power to spy on Canadians.
Responding Friday to the latest revelations from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, CSEC baldly declared that it has the unfettered right to systematically collect and analyze the metadata from Canadians’ electronic communications—that is from their telephone calls, texts, e-mail messages, and Internet use.
Like the NSA, CSEC is advancing a pseudo-legal argument to justify its flagrant violation of Canadians’ privacy rights. This argument revolves around a spurious distinction between the “content” of a communication and the metadata generated by it. The latter, claims CSEC, is not constitutionally protected because it is merely a “wrapping” or “envelope.” Metadata can, therefore, be accessed, preserved and analyzed by the state at will. That is, in the absence of any reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing and without CSEC needing to obtain a judicial warrant  read more : .
8:00 PM Feb 02 2014