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NSA requested data relating to tens of thousands of customer accounts

Tech company “transparency reports” reveal massive NSA spyingMajor US telecommunications companies released figures this week showing that the National Security Agency has requested data relating to tens of thousands of customer accounts in just the first half of last year. The release of the “transparency reports” was part of an agreement reached with the Obama administration allowing limited disclosures of information about the massive police-state spying apparatus.The accounts spied on were targeted as part of the NSA’s PRISM surveillance program, which has been in operation since 2007. Using PRISM, the spy agency obtains orders from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to require telecommunications companies to turn over information. PRISM came to the attention of the public as a result of documents provided by NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden.


Slides released by Snowden show that PRISM collects email, chat (voice and video), video, photos, stored data, file transfers, video conference data, notifications of target activity and online social networking details from a range of providers including Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, PalTalk, YouTube, Skype, AOL, and Apple. Source:


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The NSA Scandal no doubt will financially cost many USA Tech Companies.The impact of PRISM on U.S companies may be particularly acute because cloud computing is a rapidly growing industry. ... Global spending on cloud computing is expected to grow by as much as 100 percent between 2012 and 2016, whereas the global IT market will only grow by 3 percent. If U.S. companies lose market share in the short term, this will have long-term implications on their competitive advantage in this new industry. 

Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Microsoft and LinkedIn have for the first time released new data about U.S. information requests made under the Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act (FISA), the controversial law that facilitates several of the National Security Agency’s most secret surveillance programs. The new disclosures, which reveal that tens of thousands of user accounts were affected in 2013 alone, come one week after the tech titans struck an agreement with the government to be more transparent about such requests — a deal that privacy advocates and civil liberties watchdogs say doesn’t go far enough.

Read more: Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Microsoft and LinkedIn Release New NSA Data |

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