Not all fat people get diabetes, and not all diabetics are fat.
Tina Miller, MA,CFLE stashed this in health
Stashed in: #health, Fat!, Diabetes, Inflammation
How obesity causes type 2 diabetesAs I explained in the previous article, body fat isn’t just a lump of inert tissue. It’s a metabolically active endocrine organ that secretes inflammatory cytokines and hormones, both of which have profound effects on our physiology.It has long been known that T2DM is a disease of impaired glucose metabolism. But what is less commonly known is that T2DM is also characterized by impaired fat metabolism. And recent research suggests that this is one way that obesity contributes to type 2 diabetes.
So obesity is a symptom of inflammation, a condition that may also lead to diabetes.
2:54 PM Apr 05 2014