What you can learn from the toughest leadership job on Earth - The Week
Eric Barker stashed this in Diabolical Plans For World Domination
Stashed in: Management, @bakadesuyo
You don't lead a group in the Antarctic, you say? I think we all do now.
The autocratic, military style doesn't work in the modern office either.
What's most people's biggest problem in the workplace? Hands down — their boss.
Researchers have been studying organizational climate for more than 50 years and routinely find "that 60 percent to 75 percent of the employees in any organization — no matter when or where the survey was completed and no matter what occupational group was involved — report that the worst or most stressful aspect of their job is their immediate supervisor." [Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths And Total Nonsense: Profiting From Evidence-Based Management]
And bad employee-boss relationships have negative effects on the whole company. People who hate their boss take more sick days, do less work, and are more likely to quit.
10:26 AM Jul 02 2014