The Simple Stick — James Duncan Davidson
Matt Nunogawa stashed this in Design
Stashed in: Steve Jobs, Simplify, Design!, Apple, Design, apple
This is link is three things:
An endorsement of Insanely Simple by Ken Segall
The blog redesign that JDD did after reading that book
A reminder that simple is better, but simple is not always easier
From Insanely Simple:
The Simple Stick symbolizes a core value within Apple. Sometimes it’s held up as inspiration; other times it’s wielded like a caveman’s club. In all cases, it’s a reminder of what sets Apple apart from other technology companies and what makes Apple stand out in a complicated world: a deep, almost religious belief in the power of Simplicity.
As those who have worked with Apple will attest, the simpler way isn’t always the easiest. Often it requires more time, more money, and more energy. It might require you to step on a few toes. But more times than not, it will lead to immeasurably better results.
The more I do, the more respect I have for how hard it is to make things simple.
Life is hard to make simple.
This is the first blog I've come to in the last year where I don't hit the "reader" button in Apple's safari. It's blog design is ...simply elegant. As close to perfect for blog design that I've ever seen. Words centered on page. Off-white contrast background that's easy on the eyes. Gorgeous font. The words centered on the page is the biggest thing that most blogs do not do, not even ones designed for design like Sbvtle.
3:24 PM Sep 11 2012