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I finally figured out what makes Clickbait titles so effective..... : showerthoughts subreddit

Darude Astley Sandstorm Rickroll = Sandroll Mashup ???

What makes Clickbait titles so effective:

Stashed in: Memes!, Interconnectedness!, Reddit!, Influence!, @ifindkarma, Best Videos, Music Videos!, Your argument is invalid., Psychology!, Mashups!, NO., I immediately regret this decision., Memes, Content is king., Rickroll!, EditingAndLayout, NOPE., Unsee., Viral Content, Microentertainment, Push the Red Button!, Darude Sandstorm

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I am so disappointed that I clicked on that link. Dammit.

By the way, showerthoughts is an excellent subreddit.

Finally figured out what makes Clickbait titles so effective Showerthoughts

1370 Reddit comments:

"See the post that people fall for TWICE!".  :)

By the way, I found that link through this EditingAndLayout Willy Wonka thread.

you have betrayed my tiny trust meme Imgur

Let me save everybody the trouble. (And yes, I could keep adding more o's forever, but I got bored.)

And on the other subject (God, have I really come to this?):

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