If it is unappetizing: Do not eat, date, or sign up for it. You will thank yourself. ~Jessica Hagy advice to girls
Adam Rifkin stashed this in Advice
Stephanie Oakes writes: "#ToTheGirls I wish I had heard this advice from @jessicahagy about ten years ago."
Found here: https://twitter.com/StephanieEOakes/status/588022344276377601
Stashed in: Women, #love, Retweet this., Be yourself., Compassion, Manifestos, The Internet is my religion., true datt, @jessicahagy
If it is unappetizing: Do not eat, date, or sign up for it. You will thank yourself.
If the mere thought of it is depressing: Do not major in it, sit through it, or devote your life to it.
If it is not important to you: Do not do it only because it is important to someone else.
You will thank yourself.
what if it IS appetizing but you know it's not good for you??
Then consume it in moderation whenever you really, really, really, really want it.
5:50 PM Apr 14 2015