General Geek Flowchart
Adam Rifkin stashed this in Flowcharts!
Source: Fun Flowcharts for Geeks
Stashed in: Teh Internets, Lord of the Rings, Awesome, Harry Potter, Infographics!, Google FAIL, life, fun, For Milo, Design and Development, Charts!
Google is all about D&D:
Page Rank = Character Level
Page Hits = Hit Points
Internet = Dungeon
Oh my.
Does that make you an Arch-Mage? Time to start casting some Level 9 spells.
I was thinking that it's time to make some potions, too.
In real life, we're HP 1.
Unless we're wearing armor!
Even a bulletproof vest can help...
Armor might add +10 to Defense. -5 to endurance. I swear, just carrying my bag to work feels like a workout on some days so imagine how armor would feel. I used a backpack (+10 endurance) but then my colleagues made fun of it because it wasn't exactly professional (-5 mojo). Good thing I have coffee (+100 stamina), it cures all.
If only life were like D&D, you'd have, like, a million experience points Soyeun!
Save your game often!
That's pretty much true for life, too.
12:41 PM Oct 04 2012