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Jared Sperli
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Want to Raise Successful Kids? Science Says Praise Them For Problem Solving Strategies Not Innate Abilities
Dalai Lama: Behind Our Anxiety, the Fear of Being Unneeded
15 Questions to Replace “How Was School Today?"
The Healthy Sex Talk: Teaching Kids Consent, Ages 1-21
The “Problem Girl” Narrative—the Trope that Spawned a Generation
Internal 'clock' makes some people age faster and die younger – regardless of lifestyle
Is Awe Really Good For You?
Question on delayed gratification
Parents' judginess of other parents is making their kids less able to deal with life.
Seems like lots of people believe that removing decisions on less important things improves focus on one's preferred efforts
When People Ate People, A Strange Disease Emerged
What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Tesla Founder Elon Musk, by Michael Simmons
America's birth rate is now a national emergency.
The Theology of CrossFit, On Being
Why Good Storytellers Are Happier in Life and in Love
9 of history's great philosophers happiness quotes: Russell, Nietzsche, Mill, Socrates, Confucious, Seneca, Lao Tzu, Kierkegaard, Thoreau...
The return of the machinery question, by the Economist
Why Does a Tire Company Publish the Michelin Guide?
Dear Justin (an open letter explaining Rape Culture to a Facebook Bro) — Medium
Harvard Professors Michael Puett and Christine Gross-Loh Say There's A Way to Be Happier Through Great Chinese Thinkers From Long Ago
Why You Can’t Lose Weight on a Diet, by the New York Times
Emotional Intelligence Has a Dark Side. And That's Exactly Why You Need It, by Justin Bariso
How to Teach Kids to Be Grateful: Give Them Less
Deep Learning Is Going to Teach Us All the Lesson of Our Lives: Jobs Are for Machines
Contrary to previous research, percent of people resilient to major life stressors is 48%, compared to the 81% found previously.
In Less Than Two Minutes, This Clip From black-ish Explains Why Racism in America Isn’t Over
The real Mr Mustache, professional tightwad
The Importance of Roughhousing With Your Kids
Dear New York Times, by Lorelei Lee, Medium
"Should high school punishments go on college applications?"
When Children Say 'I Can't,' but They Can, and Adults Know It - New York Times
How I Keep Up with an Unrelenting Work Pace by Stan McChrystal
How to become great...
How You Will Die Simulation and Visualization by FlowingData
The collapse of parenting: Why it’s time for parents to grow up...
The “Other Side” Is Not Dumb, by Sean Blanda, Medium
NSFW Portraits Reveal The Truth About Body Image
Why the opioid epidemic is making a libertarian rethink drug legalization...
Why Google, Target, and General Mills Are Investing in Mindfulness
How to Use Philosophy as a Personal Operating System: From Seneca to Musashi, by Tim Ferriss
How to Get Rich in Tech, Guaranteed by Startup L Jackson
Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion - #1 of 25 lessons from Rumi
To beat the devil, by West Point Stories, Medium
Research Confirms a Link between Intelligence and Life Expectancy
Google’s surprising discovery about effective teams
Should I Tell My Friend’s Husband That She’s Having an Affair? by the New York Times
How AT&T Execs Took Over the Red Cross and Hurt its Ability to Help People
SMA Dailey's top 10 leadership tips to SGMs, in his own words:
What Are The Top 10 Positive Emotions? by Kari Henley
One Research Backed Way to Effectively Manage Your Stressful and Busy Schedule: Write Down Your Personal Values, by James Clear