Things that shouldn't get eaten - PandaWhale
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Things that shouldn't get eaten
Gammy Dodger
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Maybe you might not want to put this in your mouth
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Farmed Salmon is FULL of Antibiotics and Mercury. Here’s How to Tell If Your Salmon is Safe!
One writer compared the taste of a modern chicken to teddy bear stuffing... the tale of tasteless tomatoes
He Holds The Patent That Could DESTROY Monsanto And Change The World!
6 terrifying reasons why it’s time to stop eating meat
The Invention of the Chilean Sea Bass
What the Ingredients in Coca-Cola and Pepsi Actually Do to Your Body
USDA Forces Whole Foods To Accept Monsanto
Eggs and red meat have both been on the nutritional hit list – but now is it time for a complete rethink?
Commercial fishermen in the U.S. annually throw overboard as much as 2 billion pounds of so-called bycatch
Fukushima contamination - fish with cancerous growths - worrying
12 fish you should NEVER eat
I'm getting weary of posting to stuff that shouldn't get eaten - here's one about Tilapia
The Making Of 'Gutter Oil' - YouTube
How The Food Industry Manipulates Taste Buds With 'Salt Sugar Fat'
What foods do you avoid? Experts explain why they won’t eat these 8 foods loaded with toxins and chemicals.
America's foods - state-by-state, equally disrespected
What Fast Food Workers Refuse To Eat Themselves
Why raw veggies might be making you fatter
Kopi Luwak, civet coffee is not harvested in the wild in limited quantities but mass produced by animals kept in appalling conditions
Jury is out on whether Saccharin is bad for you, but when you find out it's made from coal tar, you wonder how can it be good for you.
Here's a post from that well know publication, BEEF Daily. Reporting on Jamie Oliver, McDonalds and the Ammonium Hydroxide Issue
As the American people got fatter, so did marmosets, vervet monkeys and mice. The problem may be bigger than any of us.
The Inception Bomb shooter drink
Little evidence of health benefits from organic foods, Stanford study finds - Stanford University School of Medicine
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