The Power of Mindful Learning (1997) by Ellen J. Langer
Tina Miller, MA,CFLE stashed this in education
Stashed in: Learn!, Zen, Focus!, Meditate, Mindfulness
I'm fascinated by the concept of mindfulness. I recently learned about mindful meditation.
Yes, I've know about it for a number of years-- even took an insight meditation class. It's only now that I seem to be getting what it is. It VERY connected to Gendlin's Focusing method, and in particular, the Process Model! Very exciting!
I'm still beginning. Being mindful of my breathing -- that's the thing I think about.
Yes, I recall you mentioning that when I posted about the Focusing method. I like the way mindfulness challenges certainty and cognitive rigidity.
Actually, please explain how mindfulness challenges certainty and cognitive rigidity, if you have time.
I'm curious to know what you mean.
Perhaps a description of Ellen Langer's mindfulness assist you. "The Langer Mindfulness Scale is a 21-item questionnaire intended for use as a training, self-discovery, and research instrument. It assesses four domains associated with mindful thinking: novelty-seeking, engagement, novelty producing, and flexibility. An individual who seeks novelty perceives each situation as an opportunity to learn something new. An individual who scores high in engagement is likely to notice more details about his or her specific relationship with the environment. A novelty producing person generates new information in order to learn more about the current situation. Flexible people welcome a changing environment rather than resist it." This is from Ellen Langer's website I wonder if this helps answer your question? Keep in mind that mindfulness meditation is not exactly the same as mindfulness in psychology, although there is some overlap.
Thank you Tina! That was very helpful.
7:29 PM Jul 04 2013