Why You Hate Feedback and How to Learn to Love It
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If you’re ready to get ahead at work, here are some ways to solicit feedback that is likely to be helpful:
- Be specific. Don’t ask, “Do you have any feedback for me?” Instead, ask something like “What’s one thing you see me doing – or failing to do – that’s getting in my own way?”
- Seek out those who rub you the wrong way. People we like and who like us in return aren’t going to point out areas to improve since they probably think everything is great. Look for the colleague you clash with and ask the question listed above. You’re likely to gain insight into what you do to bug that person, and also make some headway in improving the relationship.
- Write it down. If you feel the feedback you’ve received is way off, write down what is wrong with it and what might be right. It just might be that there’s one thing that can give you the insight you need.
Remember, once you’re tuned into what may be right with any feedback instead of what’s wrong, you open the door to more learning and better relationships.
11:23 PM Apr 04 2014