Founder of Samuel Adams Taught Me How to Drink All Night But Never Get Drunk
J Thoendell stashed this in Food
"You wanna know my secret? How I can drink beer all night long and never get drunk?"
“Active yeast. Like you get at the grocery store.”
Koch told me that for years he has swallowed your standard Fleischmann’s dry yeast before he drinks, stirring the white powdery substance in with some yogurt to make it more palatable.
“One teaspoon per beer, right before you start drinking.”
He’d learned the trick from his good friend “Dr. Joe,” a craft beer legend in his own right. Educated at Harvard with a troika of degrees (a BA, a JD, and an MBA), Koch is no slouch, but the late-Joseph Owades was a flat-out genius. With a PhD in biochemistry from Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and an early job in the fermentation sciences department at Fleischmann’s, Owades probably knew more about fermentation and alcohol metabolism than perhaps any man who has ever lived.
Stashed in: General Wisdom, #lifehacks, Founders, Alcohol!, Awesome, Dairy, Beer!, G4!, Life Hacks, Beer, Yogurt
Why it works:
You see, what Owades knew was that active dry yeast has an enzyme in it called alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH). Roughly put, ADH is able to break alcohol molecules down into their constituent parts of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Which is the same thing that happens when your body metabolizes alcohol in its liver. Owades realized if you also have that enzyme in your stomach when the alcohol first hits it, the ADH will begin breaking it down before it gets into your bloodstream and, thus, your brain.
“And it will mitigate – not eliminate – but mitigate the effects of alcohol!” Koch told me.
ADH is able to break alcohol molecules down into their constituent parts of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
Doesn't that make you gassy? I'm trying to decide which is the bigger party foul...
one teaspoon per beer. what size beer? otherwise I imagine that can add up to a lot of teaspoons if we are talking getting drunk off beer
It does sound like it makes you gassy. So that's a good point.
One teaspoon per 12 ounce beer. Yeah, that's a lot of teaspoons.
4:08 PM Apr 25 2014