Negotiation 101: The 6 Principles
Rich Hua stashed this in Business
Stashed in: LinkedIn, Goals!, Business Advice, Negotiation, Awesome, Success, Business, The Art of Sales
#1 is know your goal:
Goal? Yes, goal!
You would be surprised to know how often people do forget to clearly establish their goal or even enter a negotiation without having one!
And when I say goal it is not only simple statements on the expected results but an agreed position on your side that will eventually satisfy all involved stakeholders.
A couple of days before you are having a negotiation, arrange a meeting with all stakeholders on your side and ask them the following very simple question:
- What is our goal?
- What do we want?
- What would make us leave the room happy?
- What is our measurement of success?
It will be a very good occasion to structure your goal, make sure that you have an internal consensus,that people are aligned and avoid any surprises after the negotiation.
9:31 AM May 25 2014