What brings more happiness: anticipation or surprise?
Eric Barker stashed this in Happiness
Stashed in: #happiness, Influence!, Emotion, Psychology!, Quotes!, tl;dr
I know, clicking is hard.
tldr: Anticipation wins.
This post was inspired by a reader's question and it inspired me to invite other readers to email me questions they might have. (I'm always looking for new ways to embarrass myself in public.)
Surprises cause heart attacks, whereas anticipation causes ever-building excitement.
It's all about expectation management.
Seriously, I think that, as it was so eloquently explained in that book thirty years, that the question needs to be examined. Why is there no tertium quid? In fact, why aren't there a lot of answers? Many convos here on pandawhale address happiness and how and where it comes from.
That was brilliant in that I understood what you said and yet I'm not quite sure I did.
6:16 AM Sep 15 2012