Red Bull Stratos may be the most successful marketing campaign of all time. - PandaWhale
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Red Bull Stratos may be the most successful marketing campaign of all time.

Red Bull Stratos may be the most successful marketing campaign of all time

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Source: Red Bull Stratos May Change Future Of Marketing

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Janean Chun of HuffPo writes:

More than 8 million people worldwide watched YouTube's live stream on Sunday as Felix Baumgartner became the first person to break the sound barrier, starting in a freefall 128,000 feet above the Earth that reached a high speed of 833.9 miles per hour.

Meanwhile, Red Bull broke the traditional barriers of marketing, sponsorship and social media, skyrocketing from an energy drink known for providing a quick buzz to a big-time generator of international buzz that makes the endeavors of other marketing innovators like Apple look small by comparison.

The beauty of Red Bull Stratos is that it's not just a sensational stunt, but a business move that could translate into estimated sales of tens of millions of dollars, according to Ben Sturner, founder and CEO of Leverage Agency, a New York City-based sports, entertainment and media marketing company.

While a Red Bull spokesperson said the company doesn't release financials or marketing information, Sturner told The Huffington Post, "I wouldn't be surprised if they have a record month of sales. It was the lead story in newscasts, not just sportscasts, and they couldn't have the story without mentioning Red Bull. And with the buzz afterward and the engagement online, some of the top people on Twitter with millions of followers spreading the word about Red Bull -- that's [value] that can't be quantified."

The mass exposure, said Sturner, could translate to a change in customer behavior, "from buying a Rockstar or Monster to buying a Red Bull. At the end of the day, this brings in new customers, which brings in new money." The Austria-based company, founded by Dietrich Mateschitz in 1984, sold more than 4.6 billion cans of Red Bull worldwide in 2011.

According to ABC News, besides YouTube, the jump was shown by more than 40 TV stations and 130 digital outlets. Red Bull's Facebook post-jump photo of Baumgartner gained almost 216,000 likes, 10,000 comments and over 29,000 shares within 40 minutes, and half the worldwide trending topics on Twitter were related to Red Bull Stratos.

Sturner said the power of this marketing event lies in the synergy between the extreme event and the company's existing marketing message.

The jump "hits the brand message spot on, which is that Red Bull gives you wings," he said.

By creating an event that was so singular and creative, Red Bull cut through the clutter and did something unique.

Brands are stories.

Every brand has an attribute that could potentially be larger than life.

It's about engagement and amplification of the message.

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They spend 30% ($600M) of their total estimated revenue on Marketing. I can only assume both the revenue and the marketing budget have increased dramatically since 2005. The other co-founder "Dietrich Mateschitz" is the marketing genius. Interestingly he's not afraid to fail, and has had some flops like Red Bull Cola and Red Bull Shots.

Also interesting Red Bull GMBH is run as a subsidiary of the Japanese TC Pharmaceutical Industries Co., Ltd. owned by the second co-founder and original creator of red bull. He developed the beverage in 1976

Also the perceived value is much higher, if you compare it other sugar water like Coke. And they've invested in tons of stuff that has nothing to do with energy drinks... Soccer teams?

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That's all correct.

The Red Bull "product" is not the drink. It's the brand.

The drink just connects consumers to the brand.

In that way, Red Bull resembles an alcohol company (or Starbucks!) more than a soft drink company.

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Such a strong brand!

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It is now.

Took years to build not just the brand but the category (energy drinks).

They've been relentless in sponsoring skaters, surfers, and X Games.

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