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Adam Rifkin
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Zero-Calorie Sweeteners Make You Fat
The Hidden Truths about Calories, by Scientific American Blog Network
Is Fermented Tea Making People Feel Enlightened Because of ... Alcohol?
The Best Science Books of 2016 – Brain Pickings
Gut microbes linked to movement disorders in mice predisposed to Parkinson's disease
People who struggle to maintain a healthy weight after dieting may do so because their gut bacteria retains a memory of their past weight.
After ‘The Biggest Loser,’ Their Bodies Fought to Regain Weight
Arthritis and diseases of the digestive system are more common after depression, and anxiety disorders tend to be followed by skin diseases.
An antidepressant that increases serotonin boosts motivation in healthy people by reducing their perceived cost of putting in more effort.
Medicine Will Advance More in the Next 10 Years Than It Did in the Last 100
Migraine headaches could be caused by gut bacteria reaction to nitrates such as those found in red wine, chocolate, and bacon.
Tasmanian Devil's milk could be the killer ingredient in war on superbugs.
What happens to your body one hour after you drink diet soda?
Shocking New Role Found for the Immune System: Controlling Social Interactions
How weight loss surgery reverses Type 2 diabetes: Gut bacteria changes, not weight loss, may be key in diabetes reversal in mice and humans.
Psychobiotics: Gut Bacteria Spotted Consuming Brain Chemicals for the First Time
Chronic fatigue syndrome originates in your gut, not your head.
Gut bacteria found to reverse autism-related social behavior...
Educate Your Immune System
Germ Resistant To Antibiotic Of Last Resort Appears In U.S.
How Your Gut Affects Your Mood, by FiveThirtyEight
Lydia Ramsay took the Pathway Genomics Fit genetics test to learn how she should exercise and eat based on her DNA. It works well.
A new study in infant gut microbiome supports the hygiene hypothesis.
Celiac’s Evolution: The Mind-Boggling Rise of Non-Gut Symptoms
A preference for dark versus milk chocolate, among other things, shows up in the kinds of healthy germs found in the gut microbiome.
Why Are Your Gut Microbes Different From Mine?
Gum disease opens up the body to a host of infections.
Reminder: The Delicious Food You Love Is Basically Bacteria and Yeast Poop
the way you're born can mess with the microbes you need to survive
Use of antibiotics in children may alter their natural populations of gut microbes leaving them predisposed to weight gain and asthma.
Why do people put on differing amounts of weight?
Using the microbiome in forensic science
A diet rich in fiber may not only protect against diabetes and heart disease, it may reduce the risk of developing lung disease.
The unromantic gift that saved my marriage: Fecal transplant
Your Microbiome has a DJ: In the gut, one key probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus helps by orchestrating others.
Human trials will test freeze-dried poop pills as a weight loss treatment...
Western diets damage gut microbiota over generations, in ways hard to reverse.
Effects of Dietary Composition on Energy Expenditure During Weight-Loss Maintenance
Scientists have discovered a simple way to cook rice that dramatically cuts the calories.
Forget Weight Watchers, Paleo, and Dry January: Let Michael Pollan and Bon Appetit Preach the Virtues of Eating Healthy-ish
Targeting microbes in the gut may prevent heart disease.
Overeating junk food can turn you completely off healthy food.
Low-carb beats low-fat in a meta-analysis of 17 clinical trials.
Electric Current Fizz : Elixir for the Soul
Gut Bacteria Can Dramatically Amplify Cancer Immunotherapy
Antibiotic resistance is on the rise, and our world is on the cusp of the post-antibiotic era.
“A Fecal Transplant Saved My Life” Reddit AMA with LuckyJenny
Autism's Microbiome
Antibiotic resistance: World on cusp of 'post-antibiotic era'
Nutrition is personal. Identical foods produce “healthy” and “unhealthy” responses in different individuals. ~Cell article
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